Calendar Date Picker Properties Table

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property allowed values array explanation example default
debug true, false true: error-messages will be shown. false: they won't true false
excludeDays 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 yes 0=sunday, 1=monday, 2=tuesday, 3=wednesday, 4=thursday, 5=friday, 6=saturday
these days will be shown, but won't be available.
[6,0] []
excludeDates yyyymmdd these days will be shown, but won't be available. for example, a holidays. ['20081225','20081226']
minimumDate yyyymmdd any day before this date will be shown, but won't be available. 20040101
maximumDate yyyymmdd any day after this date will be shown, but won't be available. 20101231
weekStartsAt 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 0=sunday, 1=monday, 2=tuesday, 3=wednesday, 4=thursday, 5=friday, 6=saturday
this will allow you to determine how the date should be shown. where the the day, month & year are positioned and which character should be used to to seperate them. use the following characters for indication:
%d : day
%m : month
%y : year
(case sensitive)
%m-%d-%y %d-%m-%y
minimumFutureDate integer,bool yes array of two elements, the first an integer1, the second a boolean2
integer: this is the minimumDate defined as the offset from the current date. So, if the minimumDate should be 5 days in to the future, you enter 5
boolean: by setting this to true it will take excluded days & dates into consideration. So, if it's monday and you have entered 5 as int. and weekend days are excluded, then the first minimumDate will be next monday.
when this value is false, excluded days are not considered.
[5, false] []
minimumFutureDate integer NOTE: this is the same function as the one described directly above
The difference is that you can also pass a single integer value instead of an array. The boolean value will be automatically added and take it's default value true
5 0
startYear integer this is the bottom-value of the years shown in the selectbox of the calendar 1990 current year3
endYear integer this is the bottom-value of the years shown in the selectbox of the calendar 2010 current year + 10
  1. integer: a numerical value
  2. boolean: true or false
  3. current year: this means the current year is calculated automatically and taken as a value (for example: 2008)
If you want the calendar to behave according to the default values, you don't have to set them.

There are also some (public) functions which allow you to set some of these values once an object has been instantiated:

var cdp = new CalendarDatePicker();
cdp.setYears(startYear, endYear);
// setFutureDate is to set minimumFutureDate:
cdp.setFutureDate(offset, boolean);
Apart from that, you can - of course - also set the properties directly once the the object is created. Like this:
var cdp = new CalendarDatePicker();
cdp.minimumDate = null;